Movies I love
Life is short. Too short for people like me. You see, I love things, many things, varied things. Too many things to enjoy and still be productive. One thing I love is movies. So I thought I’d write about those today before getting productive.
I’m an avid movie fan, much like I’m an avid book fan, but my tastes are… eccentric? I’ve never been a fan of most classic things. I don’t read or watch movies to expand my knowledge, I don’t enjoy Shakespeare or most of the other masters. I use my entertainment time to be entertained, to escape real life for an hour or two at a time.
I have friends that don’t like some of the things I like because “that can’t happen”. That’s sort of the point isn’t it?
I’m going to give a short list of movies I love. They’re in no particular order, and with the type of memory I have I’ll remember another one I love shortly after hitting publish. If you haven’t seen them, watch them, they’re all great in their own way.
The Breakfast Club
Growing up in the 80’s it is almost a prerequisite to love this movie. The Brat Pack at it’s best. John Hughes directed a lot of great 80’s movies, but in my opinion this one is the best. Taking a member of each clique in high school and jamming them together for one Saturday detention. Even today most people can relate to at least one, and perhaps many, of these characters. As much a dialogue on teen life as it is a comedy this is a must watch!
Starship Troopers
Camp and pure cheese, but brilliant at the same time. Verhoeven’s vision of the future with “Would you like to know more?” is almost eerily familiar to the way the web works now. This is a movie that is just pure fun and I’ll happily flip to it every time I see it in the listings.
Pulp Fiction
Gritty, funny, violent, disturbing, vulgar and brilliant. I think this might actually be my favourite movie of all time. I’ve always been a Tarantino fan, but this is the ultimate one for me. A fantastic cast with a shifting story line all intertwining and a great sound track. There is nothing not to like about this movie unless you’re a bit prudish, and if you are stay away from this like the plague (and everything else Tarantino has ever done for that matter). If you aren’t and haven’t seen this, you’re missing out!
Pitch Perfect
Yeah, yeah, a teen girl movie right? Don’t care, this movie is great. To be fair I’m a bit of a sucker for movies with music and especially ones that showcase the actor’s talents and this one does that well. It also has the brilliant Anna Kendrick, and this girl is just fantastic. A great actor, awesome singer and from everything I can tell a very down to earth person that’s a little shy and just very cool. The humour is great, the singing is great, it’s no surprise this movie became such a hit.
The Wedding Singer
I know, Adam Sandler right? But this is from when Adam Sandler movies were good and this one is very good if you’re from my generation in particular. I’m an 80’s kid and this one is a great throwback to that era. I see myself and my friends in the characters and the things they do. The Miami Vice outfits and mentality, the mullets. This movie is an homage to anyone that was a teenager or young adult in the 80’s. Sandler at his best.
Dawn of the Dead
Not the Romero original, the 2004 remake with Canadian Sarah Polley and shot in a Canadian shopping mall in Thornhill. I come by my love of zombies honestly, inherited from my Father and many a Saturday afternoon watching bad B movies with him. This one is actually a really good zombie movie though, with a solid cast and decent story line. Even if you don’t like zombies you might (might) like this one. Give it a try.
Like I said, there are going to be tons of movies I think of shortly after clicking publish on this article, but these are just a few of my favourites that I think you might enjoy.